Sikhs roaming the Indian cities are a normal sight; but
white people wearing turbans definitely are not. The strangeness lies
in the fact that they are non-Indians who converted to Sikhism.
are some photos and videos of non-Indian Sikhs:
Martin Singh, son of Eric and Shirley Hill, was raised on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia. Martin Singh’s mother’s side of the family has been living on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia for the last 200 years. Martin was interested in both politics and religion while growing up. He is now quite active in the New Democratic Party.
Read more: http://www.unp.me/f15/maritime-sikh-society-1415/#ixzz2bbu74HOS
Cornelis Harjinder Singh Heule was born in 1947 in Roermond in the Netherlands as Cornelis Heule. He is known as Harjinder Singh, names given to him when he became an initiated Sikh in 1996.
Check out these two videos (there are a lot more!) on YouTube:
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